Sunday, May 22, 2011

Easterly Winds

Holy downpour batman...but seriously the east is miserable.  I went to Niagara falls for the weekend with my girlfriend and had planned on cycling from there to Holley, NY, then continuing onto Ticonderoga and further.  What I didn't plan on was the equal amount of rain falling from the sky as was cascading from the two falls themselves.  I want this trip to be an adventure and not Point A to Point B and so on.  I am not doing this so I can say I did it.  That is the last thing I want out of this adventure.  I want to experience the country, its people, its cultures, and everything in between.  The last thing I want is to be suffering through torrential downpours with my head down cursing at every drop.  I'm going to give the weather another week, 2 tops.  If the east still looks like a barrage of thunderstorms that only Zeus could have dreamt up himself after a night of tequila shots and failed conquests, then I am saying, "Screw it, I'm headin' west."  I'll head on south through Ohio (as fast as I can) and meet up in Kentucky on the Trans-America trail.  I don't think I could have picked a worse spring to do this.  Ugh.

1 comment:

  1. Starting out on a nice day will get it going on a good note... Hang in.
